ECON 001 - Principles of Macroeconomics
I. Multiple choice [1 pt each: 10 pts total]
(1)d. (2)a. (3)b. (4)a. (5)b. (6)c. (7)c. (8)b. (9)c. (10)c.
II. Problems
(1) [Macroeconomic record: 8 pts]
(2) [Inflation: 2 pts] 3.6 percent.
(3) [Spending approach to GDP: 16 pts]
(4) [Components of GDP: 16 pts]
(5) [Spending approach to GDP: 12 pts]
(6) [GDP, saving, GDP per capita: 6 pts]
(7) [Stocks v. flows: 4 pts]
(8) [Value added: 2 pts] $420,000.
(9) [GDP and real GDP: 8 pts]
(10) [GDP and real GDP: 7 pts]
(11) [Using the CPI: 2 pts] $2191.
(12) [PPP exchange rate: 2 pts] 25.64 Taiwan dollars per US dollar.
(13) [Using market exchange rate: 2 pts] $612.
III. Critical thinking [3 pts]
(1) Yes, an economy could experience a recession while nominal GDP continues to grow if inflation is high enough. In a recession real GDP decreases. However, nominal GDP = real GDP × GDP price index / 100. Using the percent-change rule for products,
(2) Country X and Country Y have exactly the same GDP. By definition, GDP equals the value of final goods and services produced annually in a country. So if that is equal in the two countries, then GDP is equal, regardless of education levels or life expectancies.
(1)b. (2)f. (3)a. (4)d. (5)b. (6)d. (7)d. (8)a. (9)b. (10)b.
II. Problems
(1) [Macroeconomic record: 8 pts]
(2) [Inflation: 2 pts] 1.4 percent.
(3) [Spending approach to GDP: 16 pts]
(4) [Components of GDP: 16 pts]
(5) [Spending approach to GDP: 12 pts]
(6) [GDP, saving, GDP per capita: 6 pts]
(7) [Stocks v. flows: 4 pts]
(8) [Value added: 2 pts] $250,000.
(9) [GDP and real GDP: 8 pts]
(10) [GDP and real GDP: 7 pts]
(11) [Using the CPI: 2 pts] $777.
(12) [PPP exchange rate: 2 pts] 5.56 bolivars per US dollar.
(13) [Using market exchange rate: 2 pts] $600.
III. Critical thinking
Same as Version A.
(1)c. (2)a. (3)c. (4)c. (5)c. (6)a. (7)a. (8)c. (9)d. (10)d.
II. Problems
(1) [Macroeconomic record: 8 pts]
(2) [Inflation: 2 pts] 2.0 percent.
(3) [Spending approach to GDP: 16 pts]
(4) [Components of GDP: 16 pts]
(5) [Spending approach to GDP: 12 pts]
(6) [GDP, saving, GDP per capita: 6 pts]
(7) [Stocks v. flows: 4 pts]
(8) [Value added: 2 pts] $200,000.
(9) [GDP and real GDP: 8 pts]
(10) [GDP and real GDP: 7 pts]
(11) [Using the CPI: 2 pts] $4958.
(12) [PPP exchange rate: 2 pts] 0.95 Swiss francs per US dollar.
(13) [Using market exchange rate: 2 pts] $560.
III. Critical thinking
Same as Version A.
[end of answer key]